Problems with Manual Data Entry and how to get Them at Peace

Data entry is an integral and invaluable process of document processing. Traditional means of data entry and document processing involves manual reading and keying of all documents like invoices, orders, or any other documents by the staff members. Earlier, when the paperwork was less, manual entries made sense because it was an achievable goal. However, with the pile-up of paperwork and upcoming data-driven companies, manual processing of data is no longer a practical solution. Even though manual data entry is not the best technique, it is still a fundamental part of many businesses and organizations despite the flaws attached to it. Some of the major pitfalls of manual data entry are - 1. Predisposed to human error - No matter how great of an employee you are, you are always prone to make mistakes. This happens, even more, when they are bored or stressed, which can be a direct manifestation of the repetitive work of data entry. One tiny mistake made by t...