How Safe Are Your Digital Records

Remember the good old days when you had rooms filled with cabinets and drawers to store and safely keep all hard copies of important records and data? Well, those times have indeed changed a lot. With the intervention of technology and digitization, electronic documents management systems have taken the front seat. Saying that digital records are easier to manage is just one aspect of data and record storage, this digitization has also helped increase the effectiveness of full proofing all your data. 

These days all records and data needs to be kept for a long time until it can finally be destroyed, which is why it becomes a task in itself to keep it safe in a way that it can be accessed whenever the need arises. On the other hand when companies soon started shifting to the electronic and digital means of converting all hard copies into digital soft copies a lot of major advantages were visible. 

The retention and upkeep of all data and records became easier and reducing paper usage also became relevant. But, how safe are your digital records is a question that still lingers on? It is undoubtedly true that keeping track of store digital data is easier than keeping track of bundles and bundles of paper that are easily misplaced. When you decide to digitize all your data and other sensitive information you also have the ability to secure it from third parties and set restrictions as well. 

Dox & Box is one of the top document management companies that follows all the norms and rules of security, access and retention of data and records. Though the system at Dox & Box is more or less automated, it becomes essential to have in place certain checkpoints that can establish its compliance. From time to time we make sure that verification stages have been built into the process. Systems like image capturing, scanning and verification are crucial for ant document digitization companies in india. As discussed earlier, one of the biggest advantages of digitization is that rights and access can be given to the right people, which is why at Dox & Box we make sure that the right access is given to the right people so that the records don’t fall in the wrong hands. 

Last but not the least, when storing records digitally at Dox & Box it becomes important to establish a retention time. Depending on the type of data, our clients may have different timelines set for different records. Based on this we also provide a way in which your records can be destroyed based on the retention time set by you. 

The end outcome is that digital records stored are only as safe as the security standards and measures that you have in place. As long as you have a trusted data storage company handling your data with the above-mentioned points in control, your data will be safe and secure.



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