Document Destruction - Why, How and Major Benefits


In today's digital age, obtaining information isn't tough anymore. Whether it is about a company, an individual or the government, every piece of information is at high risk of being misused. Therefore, safe and secure document destruction services are playing an integral role for corporations and organisations to be compliant with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010, PDPA.

The ultimate purpose of document destruction service providers is to prevent leaking of valuable private information and of confidential document destruction service providers to allow safe destruction of confidential information.

Patterning with a proper document destruction company ensures that your records and data stays safe, secure and out of the wrong hands. Each document destruction company along with the expert authorities believe that regular destruction of sensitive files and confidential information is a must, regardless of the nature of the company.

Whether you're a consumer, business or a government organisation, chances are that you've personal and confidential information stored on a variety of devices but nobody takes care of where it's reaching. With electronics becoming obsolete faster and faster and only a few people giving serious consideration to how they dispose of their outdated electronic devices, there is a good chance that your method of disposal could be making it easier for hackers to mine data from e-waste.


Two types of document destruction services are provided to meet different needs, onsite document destruction and offsite document shredding. With more and more data being stored on electronic devices and digital media, data security is becoming one of the major issues that is being faced by companies of all kinds. The problem, as discussed above is the improper disposal of data as well as electronic media devices. 30% of data breach occurs due to these reasons. Hence, making data destruction services even more important.

Onsite document destruction service providers come to your vicinity where you can actually view the data destruction happening on your site. This is reassuring for you because you'll actually be able to see your equipment or document being destroyed on site. You don't have to be worried about data falling into someone's hand or the financial risks of losing the data or of any trade secrets being revealed.

Whereas, in off site document shredding, as the name suggests, the documents or devices are collected from the client and are brought back to the document destruction company centre for proper destruction.

They are both great services and you receive a legal document destruction certificate while doing or opting any of the above.

Major Benefits

As we already know that paper shredding or document destruction is a must for all the companies and individuals, there are many benefits too that come along with partnering with a document destruction company to safeguard confidential information from any unfair means.

1.)  First benefit being enabling productivity. Yes, you can share documents in your office shredder and it is obviously better than just throwing some important pieces of paper into a trash bin. But working with an in-house shredder eats up so much time and hence reduces the productivity levels of your employees. The efforts that would have rather been used in doing some other fruitful business work are now wasted here. When you rely on your office shredder to destroy documents, you are basically paying your employees to feed the shredder instead of working upon revenue generation ideas for your business. A document destruction company will take this entire task in their hand and will get it done quickly and securely and hence increasing the productivity levels of your employees.

2.)  The second most important benefit here is the cost effectiveness of partnering with a confidential document destruction service provider. The cost that will go into managing an office shredder will amount much more than actually partnering with a professional. You'll be incurring extra expenses on buying disposal bags, performing maintenance, replacing inoperable equipment utility expenses and so on.

3.)  The third major benefit is safeguarding your reputation and increasing your goodwill. When you do not partner with a document destruction company, there are chances that the valuable information of your company and of those provided by your clients, vendors, partners will fall into the wrong hands. Hence, tarnishing the reputation and credibility of your organisation.

4.)  Another important ecological benefit of hiring document destruction services for your business or individual work is ensuring recycling. All of us know that recycling paper contributes to a safer, cleaner and a healthier environment. A good document destruction company always incorporates recycling into the destruction process. Confidentiality is automatically being taken care of, then. While using any office shredder for in-house document destruction, keeping the shredded material aside for recycling is yet again a time-consuming and high effort requiring task which is often avoided by many companies and it carries with itself a high risk of being stolen by the mysterious elements of the society.



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