What Is OCR And What Are Its Benefits

 If you are in the field of record management, the term “OCR” might not really be new to you. As for a layman, the full form of the abbreviation “OCR” stands for Optical Character Recognition. This implies a process of converting text on paper to more of an editable text. It is a sort of scanning technique that aims to identify numerical data or printed text. The biggest benefit of using this technique is that it is useful in saving you the trouble of retyping an already printed document for data entry., With the help of the software, the original page layout is somewhat recreated. In short, it is an effective method of converting the text on paper to a text that is fit to be used in computer word processors.

What Application does it Find In the Field of Document and Record Management?

In the field of record management services, the storage and management of documents is already quite a process. Especially, in the case of the companies and organizations still depending on the classic methods of storage and paper documents, it is even more challenging to manage it all tactfully. That’s where the OCR features helping the organizations step up their procedures in terms of managing their documents. 

Even for the companies who have already moved a step ahead in scanning their documents digitally, retrieval is still a hassle. But with advanced OCR technology, you can read, extract and convert any type of document, even the images in any format (bitmap, png, pdf, jpeg, Word, Excel, etc.). With the appropriate data management, even the individual text fields can be proceeded, accessed, and indexed with ease. 

That being said, let us dive deeper into a wide array of benefits that it can offer:

Benefits of OCR

1.)  With data management and retrieval becoming easier and accessible, it saves a lot of time, helping the employees to focus on areas that are more significant.

2.)  It provides an extra boost to your company’s overall functioning. How? You can easily find what you need from your current filing system, whether or not there is a need to fine-tune access and classify your critical information, etc.

3.)  Get fast access to your documents as and when the customers ask for any information

4.)  Due to quicker data retrieval, productivity is boosted and employee productivity can be channelized to focus more on the core activities.

5.)  While this robust technology might look a little expensive on the outside, the reality is quite different. It is a worthwhile investment that is actually more cost-effective. It saves you from the additional cost of hiring professionals for data extraction separately. Due to its other benefits, it also provides various other services like scanning, printing, copying, thereby accounting for high savings.

6.)  With an automated data entry tool like OCR, the errors and inaccuracies are reduced to a considerably greater extent. It is also a crucial tool in the case of data loss.

7.)  Since the data is now cataloge and stored in an electronic format, the storage space is not an issue. 

By adopting “OCR” in their document management system, organizations can immensely benefit from this paperless approach in the form of increased storage and efficiency, coupled with various other advantages.


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